
Obtenez votre Elikia Moké 2

Elikia Moké 2 est disponible à la vente à Brazzaville et Pointe-Noire au prix de 25.000 FCFA, un tarif qui rappelle l’engagement de VMK : celui de répondre aux besoins technologiques en constante évolution avec des produits de qualité, à moindre coût.

Aucune carte de paiement requise

Acheter à Brazzaville

Elikia Moké 2 est disponible à Brazzaville dans le showroom de Burotop Iris. Il est également possible se le faire livrer par Noki Noki Services en appelant le +242 06 528 66 00.

Acheter à Pointe-Noire

Vous pouvez vous procurer votre téléphone Elikia Moké 2 dans le showroom Burotop Iris à Pointe-Noire ou en le commandant auprès de Noki Noki Services en appelant le +242 06 736 10 11.

Acheter hors des capitales

Vous souhaitez acheter votre téléphone en dehors des villes principales congolais, voire hors des frontières ? N'hésitez à rentrer en contact avec nous via ce site ou par mail.

Devenir revendeur

Rejoignez l’aventure Elikia Moké 2 en devenant revendeur. Offrez à vos clients un téléphone basique avant-gardiste et bénéficiez de notre accompagnement professionnel. Lancez-vous dès maintenant !

Automation and scalable storage

Amet minim mollit non deserunt ullamco est sit aliqua dolor do amet sint. Velit officia consequat enim velit mollit. Exercitation veniam consequat. 

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Easily connect to tools you already use

Affordable pricing plans

Amet minim mollit non deserunt ullamco an aliqua dolor elit officia consequat duis.Amet minim mollit non deserunt ullamco est sit aliqua.

Trusted by 50k+ customers


3,841 Reviews



Best for medium business owners, startups who needes landing page for their business.
Purchase Now

What’s included:

  • 130+ Coded Blocks
  • Best for Developers, Freelancers
  • Made with TailwindCSS
  • Premium Support
  • Future Updates



Best for medium business owners, startups who needes landing page for their business.
Purchase Now

What’s included:

  • 130+ Coded Blocks
  • Best for Developers, Freelancers
  • Made with TailwindCSS
  • Premium Support
  • Future Updates

Feedback from our trusted clients

Jacob Jones


“Our visual designer lets you quickly and of drag and drop your way to customapps for both desktop, mobile & also tab.”

Rated 4.5/5d - from over 100 reviews

Brooklyn Simmons


“Our visual designer lets you quickly and of drag and drop your way to customapps for both desktop, mobile & also tab. Punctual, friendly service to deliver my replacement mobile phone (and importantly the right model, undamaged).”

Rated 4.5/5d - from over 100 reviews

Leslie Alexander


“Create this account for myself secuse in the future. best site to earn.”

Rated 4.5/5d - from over 100 reviews

Guy Hawkins


“Create this account for myself secuse in the future. best site to earn.”

Rated 4.5/5d - from over 100 reviews

Kristin Watson


“Our visual designer lets you quickly and of drag and drop your way to customapps for both desktop, mobile & also tab.”

Rated 4.5/5d - from over 100 reviews

Albert Flores


“Our visual designer lets you quickly and of drag and drop your way to customapps for both desktop, mobile & also tab. Punctual, friendly service to deliver my replacement mobile phone (and importantly the right model, undamaged).”

Rated 4.5/5d - from over 100 reviews

Frequently Asked Questions

Amet minim mollit non deserunt ullamco an aliqua dolor elit officia consequat duis.Amet minim mollit non deserunt ullamco est sit aliqua.

How does App help people in problems?

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Volutpat, tempor condimentum commodo tincidunt sit dictumst. Eu placerat to a arcu at sem vitae eros, purus nonprofit organizations for all,
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, to the consectr adipiscing elit. Volutpat to the full tempor to the condimentum vitae vel purus.

What happens if i go over my subscription limits?

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Volutpat, tempor condimentum commodo tincidunt sit dictumst. Eu placerat to a arcu at sem vitae eros, purus nonprofit organizations for all,
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, to the consectr adipiscing elit. Volutpat to the full tempor to the condimentum vitae vel purus.

Why we are so confident about the future?

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Volutpat, tempor condimentum commodo tincidunt sit dictumst. Eu placerat to a arcu at sem vitae eros, purus nonprofit organizations for all,
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, to the consectr adipiscing elit. Volutpat to the full tempor to the condimentum vitae vel purus.

Where’s the funding goes?

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Volutpat, tempor condimentum commodo tincidunt sit dictumst. Eu placerat to a arcu at sem vitae eros, purus nonprofit organizations for all,
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, to the consectr adipiscing elit. Volutpat to the full tempor to the condimentum vitae vel purus.

Ready to get started?

Amet minim mollit non deserunt ullamco est sit aliqua sint. velit officia consequat duis enim velit mollit. Exercitation veniam consequat sit aliqua dolor.

No credit card required